Women’s Climate Centers International catalyzes women’s resilience through comprehensive climate adaptation training to build access to water, food and economic security.
Learn more about WCCI from the two videos below.
Learn About our Solution Satellites
Our pilot is complete, the latest data is in and rural East African women are building new enterprises and generating local economic development.
Read the latest on Strengthening gender equity in locally led adaptation processes in Africa !
Click here to read our newest Working Paper co-written and researched by WCCI in collaboration with the World Resources Institute.
WCCI COVID-19 Response
The WCCI Kenya and Uganda teams continue to respond to the COVID emergency by teaching rural women to make soap, providing free soap to very low-income communities, and educating communities on the coronavirus, social distancing and personal hygiene.
For too many, running water is a luxury
WCCI is bringing soap and teaching safe hand washing techniques to rural communities threatened by the virus.
We ARe wcci
Sharing knowledge, building resilience
The Women's Climate Center concept recognizes that the answer to climate security lies within the local and indigenous knowledge of women who farm, raise families and build communities throughout the world. Our ultimate goal is to share that knowledge so that agricultural yields become vigorous, safe drinking water becomes routine, water-borne disease becomes a part of history and revenue generating opportunities and newly-learned business skills unlock a more prosperous and climate resilient future for rural women and girls.
Learn More About our programs!
WCCI maintains programs in Conservation and Restoration, Forestry, Bio-intensive Farming, Climate Smart Technology and Entrepreneurship and Leadership
Take Action
Ready to take the next step? Help us launch the power of women across the world.